Analysis of Common Indoor Pollutants

There may be various types of pollutants in the home environment, which can be divided into three categories: physical, chemical, and biological. Understanding the sources of these pollutants can help take measures to reduce their impact on residents' health. Here are some common household environmental pollutants and their sources:
Physical pollutants
Noise: household appliance operation (air conditioning, washing machine, etc.), traffic noise, etc.
Radioactive substances: Radon gas is present in building materials such as granite and concrete.
Electromagnetic radiation: The electromagnetic field generated by household appliances and electronic devices.
Chemical pollutants
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs):
Building and decorative materials (such as paint and glue).
Household cleaning agents, cosmetics, and personal care products.
Heavy metals:
Water pollution (ageing of lead pipes, copper corrosion).
Carbon monoxide:
Incomplete combustion (such as gas leaks or insufficient combustion in chimneys or water heaters).
Biological pollutants
Fungi and molds:
Damp environments (such as bathrooms, kitchens, basements).
Dust mites:
Mattresses, carpets, and upholstered furniture.
Dander and Pet dander:
Dander from human or pets.
Insects and rodents:
Improper disposal of food waste and garbage can attract pests.
Other pollutants
Tobacco smoke: Indoor air pollution caused by smoking activities.
Particulate matter (PM2.5, PM10): Outdoor air pollution enters indoors through doors and windows.
To reduce the impact of these pollutants on health, the following measures can be taken:
Use low VOC coatings and environmentally friendly materials for decoration.
Could you keep the room well-ventilated?
Use air purifiers and dehumidifiers.
Regularly clean household items and replace filters.
Reduce harmful chemicals and choose natural or low-toxicity cleaning products.
Please make sure to maintain appropriate indoor humidity to prevent mold growth.
This information will help you better understand the pollutants in your home environment and take appropriate preventive measures.
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